Latest News

Working Parent 1

Pairents, job sharing portal, focuses on flexible work options

Shutterstock 1161177175 1 1

TripAdvisor Cruises lets users review and compare cruise prices

Shutterstock 417199606 1 2

Expedia is being sued by IBM over patent infringement

Ekrut 3

Indonesia: Ekrut, recruiting platform, successfully closes pre-Series A funding round

Merger And Acquisition1 4

Innovantage, UK-based analytics provider, is acquired by Erecruit

Shutterstock 540501952 1 1 5 goes through strategic ownership swap

Shutterstock 1113060491 1 6

Mexican hoteliers ask for promotion, Airbnb regulation and trust

Disability African Employees 7

New job portal targets Kenya's talent with disabilities

Shutterstock 11479956921 1 8

The City of Buenos Aires launches its own property trading platform

Bountyjobs1 1 9

BountyJobs announces new strategic partnership with AllyO

Ibm 1 10

IBM's HR AI can predict when an employee will leave a company

Justin Sway Bkk Interview 1 11

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Justin Sway from

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