Latest News


Grooves, HR tech company, announces $3M in new funding

Hcmfront 1 1

Digital HR platform HCMFront plans on Chinese expansion

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CBRE and Barcelona Tech City will promote innovation in the real estate sector

Jobot 1 3

Jobot, AI-based recruiting platform, announces new California headquarters

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Carrefour bets on its real estate and changes its look

Yunojuno 1 5

London-based freelance platform YunoJuno prepares for expansion

Ibm 1 6

IBM leverages AI to predict when an employee wants to leave

Sap 2 7

SAP SuccessFactors receives accolades for leading the talent acquisition industry

Sime Property spends RM3 million for online platform dto

Chris Hansen 1 8

Valiant Capital exec boosts Zillow shares with recent comment at Sohn Con

Dominos Pizza 1 9

Domino's Pizza launches new website aimed at attracting young talent

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Trivago ups advertising thanks to Google Hotels

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