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Hibob investigates why 69% of candidates would turn down a high-wage position

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Point2 Homes receives 9.3M visits to its site in the month of July

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Zavvie's iBuyer platform signs on 6 more partners

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Renters Warehouse showcases its MLS integrated real estate investment company

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Cegid, HR management solution provider, announces acquisition of Meta4

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Cozystay expands services into hotel management

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ThinkHR learning management platform evolves with Learn 3.0 update

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LIFENEST partners with Apple to offer exclusive discounts to tenants

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StaffAny, HR management solution, raises US$722K in seed funding

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From Badi to Spotahome: Real estate without assets makes its way into sector

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ENGAGE Talent and Predictive HR announce new partnership

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A 22 @ in Madrid: Reality in the coming years?

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