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Diesel Engine Mechanic Grease Engineer Gasoline Transport 1

New job platform announced by Association of Diesel Specialists

Jobadx 1 1

JobAdX puts the power in recruiters' hands with its new Self-Serve Platform

Skillsoft 2 2

SkillSoft report: How do we prepare executive talent for a digital economy?

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Vacasa and 8x8, Inc. partner up to offer a better vacation rental experience

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Booking platform HotelEngine acquired by Hoist Group

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TicX, the Tenant in Common Exchange platform to shake up homeownership

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Vacation rental manager looks to buy out more competition

Tmp Worldwide 1 7

TMP Worldwide's TalentBrew platform takes home over a dozen awards

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Proptech startup Digital Renter recognized at this years' Seedstars Douala

Bullhorn 1 9

Bullhorn announces new investments into its enterprise consulting services

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Three writing tricks for property platforms to boost lead generation

Funding Investment 11

India: Digital job board for blue-collar workers,, announces new funding

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