Latest News

Untitled Design 6

New Secure Rentals Marketplace Rently Launches in Singapore

Sweden Cover 1 1

Swedish Brokerage Svenska Mäklarhuset Takes Shareholding in Challenger Portal Boneo

Zillow Court Ruling 2

Discount Brokerage REX Denied a Retrial Against Zillow

Untitled Design 4 3

People Roundup: Casavo, Adevinta, Mubawab Group

Lawsuit Op 1 4

Qualia Sues Rival Settlor For 'Stolen' Trade Secrets

Rightmove Share Price Optimized 5

Rightmove Shares Drop 7% After JP Morgan Advises Investors to Sell

Rent Payment Reporting Program E1705504412274 Optimized 6

New Zillow Feature Builds Credit Score Through Rental Payments

Money Wages Employee Work Salary Advance Job 7

Overmoon Raises $80M and Launches Deferred Exchange Program for Second Homeowners

Typical Italian House Opt 1 Optimized 8

French Luxury Portal Résidences Immobilier Expands Internationally with Listings Agreements

Student Work Research Learning Education Study 1 9

New Study Shows Increase in Private Rental Listings on Austrian Portals Following Law Change

Your New Market Leaders 1 10

What Are the Chances of and OnTheMarket Dethroning Zillow and Rightmove to Become Costar’s Market Leaders?

Homely Cofounders 11

Australian Portal Homely Celebrates 10th Anniversary

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