Latest News

Inkling 1

Inkling restructures what learning can be for today's workforce

Bullhorn 1 1

Secured Signing's digital signature now integrates with Bullhorn recruitment solution

Childcare 1 2

Student Nannies sees new investment from app developer

Crowdstreet Platform 1 3

How CrowdStreet is democratizing real estate investments while modifying portfolios

Linkedin2 1 4

LinkedIn promotes offline communities with the debut of LinkedIn Events

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Collaborative deposit saving platform for first-timers raises £1.5M

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MK Premium opens four new markets and invests 6M euros in new purchases

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Lemonkey finalizes expansion with the entry into Mexico, Italy and France in 2020

Mobile App Discovery 1 8

Hands On unveils its latest cutting-edge mobile hiring platform

Saba 1 9

Fosway crowns Saba for its talent management in 9-Grid report

Cobee 1 10

Spanish startup Cobee wins the global BBVA Open Talent competition

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Juwai IQI teams up with Key One Realty to service Indian and Chinese homebuying

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