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Spain announces economic strategy for the mortgage payments situation

Uber Works 1 1

Uber Works makes its Dallas debut

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Property Personnel says to keep the human touch in the wake of AI advancement

Marcin Zasepa Min 1 3

Marcin Zasepa has been appointed CTO of Homegate AG

Instawork 4

Instawork unveils new partnership with Staffmate

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Zolostays names Sarabjeet Kukreja as Head of Student Housing

Offr App 1 6

Offr looks to offer a better way to buy and sell a home

Skillsoft 2 7

European companies are suffering from digital talent deficits, but half won't invest in training

Fuel50 1 8

Fuel50 launches Talent Blueprint to help companies face changing work modalities

Betterup 2 9

BetterUp debuts its new features, Identify AI and Coaching Clouds

Vrtech 1 10

VrTech's 4th annual vacation rental competition accepting applications

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Startup Qualia named one of Forbes' best Startup Employers of 2020

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