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Uk Portals Downard

Online Searches for UK Portals Declining

Rentcomau Houses 1 Enters Partnership with Origin Energy

People Roundup Ready 2

People News Roundup: Juwai, REA Group and Zoopla

Matterportvhtpartnership Scaled 3

Matterport Acquires VHT Studios

OnTheMarket-owned Platform Integrates with PropTech Supplier

Rello Scaled 4

New Payment Solution Launches in Oceania

Jangle 5

Introducing Jangle—the New Challenger Portal with a Big Promise

Compass Ipo 1 6

Compass in Merger With Lead Gen Brokerage Firm LG Fairmont

Search 7

Service Launches That Shows Exact Address of Rightmove Listings

Houza Logo 8

Houza Secures Series-A Funding and Appoints New CEO

OnTheMarket to hold AGM in July

Scout24 Generic Financial 9

Scout24 Distributes $69.4 Million in Dividends

1 109 110 111 112 113 769