Zillow has been sued over allegations that StreetEasy allowed multiple brokers to list the same unit on the platform, effectively hiding listings from public view.
A New York City broker filed a lawsuit contesting that Zillow hid listings while still charging a daily listing fee. George T. Spyridakis, an associate broker with eXp, paid $7 a day for each of his 250 listings but argues that some of his listings were masked from the public because of duplication.
Spyridakis alleges that StreetEasy, a specialised New York portal owned by Zillow, only shows the most recent listing on its platform, demoting older listings from view.
He says damages exceed $5 million for lost business on "numerous occasions".
Spyridakis's complaint says:
Zillow allows multiple listing Realtors to list the same property for rent at the same time on its StreetEasy platform, charging each listing Realtor $7.00 per day.
StreetEasy has yet to respond, however, its listings quality policy states that only one copy of a rental unit is permitted on its platform, and the company will not approve the same unit to be advertised by more than one party at a time.