This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
Womenalia, a network for professional women, has launched the Womenalia Health Project (WHP), the first major global movement focused on promoting physical exercise, health and technology as a lever to boost the professional performance of women.
This project will support a solitary cause aimed at the labor integration of women in social exclusion. Integra Foundation is the entity chosen for the donation and the realization of its project 'Women, with a future', which seeks the social and labor integration of 25 women who are in severe social exclusion.
The objective is to achieve the personal and formative development of the participants, women in situations of vulnerability, who count, in many cases, have the handicap of the lacking experience with promoting their incorporation into the labor market.
Womenalia, through WHP, will design a proactive program of physical activity and health, which includes a series of weekly challenges that will add kilometers to the final goal of going around the world in kilometers, specifically 40,066 km.
Each person who joins the project will add kilometers to the final objective, thus helping women who are in vulnerable situations to leave the circle of exclusion and, on an equal basis, opt for a job.
This project, which is possible thanks to the support of Adidas, Trinidad Alfonso Foundation, Yourself Woman, Artia Bienestar, gooder and emotion, has helped since 2001 to create 12,500 jobs for people living in severe social exclusion or who have disabilities, which 70% have been for women, who have started a new life thanks to a job.
This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
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