What human resources to leverage for digital transformation

May 18, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Know the pillars about the type of collaborators that a company requires when entering the fourth industrial revolution.

Entering the digital era is not only the new trend, but a necessity. For this reason, many companies are advancing today in the pursuit of this objective, although unfortunately they do so at the point of learning, erring, and correcting on the fly.

One of the most frequent questions of those who enter into this dynamic is: what should be the profile of the employees that a company must hire to facilitate the process of digital transformation?

In various areas such as business coach, forums, seminars and chairs of the academic environment, good practices are discussed for the development of organizations and, undoubtedly, the issues related to care, guarantees and support for employees take more and more strength.

For Colombian businessmen, ideas such as those of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma, co-founder of Alibaba, related to strenuous working hours of 12 hours, 6 days a week, are increasingly far from being applied, since Colombian businessmen are betting on progressive tendencies related to labor flexibility and work environments where the organizational climate is fundamental.

In this sense, the tendency is more inclined towards ideas such as those of Richard Branson where "customers do not come first. The first thing is your employees, if you take care of them, they will take care of your customers."

The emphasis on new business not only focuses on the economic field and issues of productivity or profitability, nowadays it transcends business, to the world of the human being. That is why talking about digital transformation is not only to acquire computers with the latest technology, install an ERP system or store data in the cloud; This transformation implies a change in the mentality of managers and employees, in order to create new working methods that take advantage of the potential of digitalization and its human resources.


Javier Neira, CPO of Digital Ware, who has extensive experience in the area of ​​human management advising leading companies in the country, thinks that we must be careful with the term digital transformation since it is not just talking about technology.

For Neira "nowadays, a large number of companies try to find success by resorting to digitalisation, not digital transformation".

To begin with, digitization is not a process of transformation. Digitizing is converting traditional content and tools into digital ones, which lead you to make the same use and reach the same goal but saving resources in costs and time.

On the other hand, digital transformation is a much broader concept. Actually, it is a vision of progress and business development.

It is essential to understand the customer and optimize the user experience, taking technology as the best ally and get the most out of it to provide new approaches to evolution in the processes of attraction, retention, remuneration and development.

For Juan Fernando Dávila, director of The Line Group, a company with more than 12 years of experience in endomarketing, 80% of our decisions are emotional, so we must connect or create links through positive emotions that generate commitment and delivery. part of the collaborators of any entity.

According to Dávila, organizations must transform and reinvent themselves in order not to disappear in an era where the pressure or collective consciousness of the new generations of workforce, millennials, are encouraging change.

Taking into account the above, Juan Fernando explains the four pillars that must be taken into account in the area of ​​Human Management in this "human" era, of course, from the perspective of digital transformation:

Connect: "It does not connect the business challenge with its people". Organizations must understand that collaborators do not work the same and it is not just about positions, it is about human beings with different and independent visions.

"If we can not connect, we will never solve the business challenges."

Generate knowledge: Observing and genuinely listening to our collaborators to identify their needs and generate knowledge about their environment to apply effective loyalty strategies.

Leadership: The leaders are those who manage the coherence of the organization, this coherence is based on three pillars: external communication that is governed by a strategy, vision of the company and internal communication, which is what the organization of herself. The leaders are those who take to action what they think, say and how the organization acts.

Communication: Organizations do not know how to communicate with their people, they do not know how to generate a relevant impact in their community. "We believe that electronic mail solves everything."

We have to make communication much more efficient when there is a wide geographic dispersion.

The companies that manage to assertively face these challenges will attract the ideal talent generating experiences and commitment in their collaborators around the brand, having an added value differentiator: their human capital.


Technological development becomes an essential ally in the processes of human management, and precisely in this context, is that the Human Management Forums 2019 organized by ACRIP Asociación de Gestión Humana Bogotá and Cundinamarca, in alliance with Digital Ware, are born and they become an alternative for companies to find each other and share Business Case, trends and good practices in the management of human talent.

These spaces are being carried out monthly throughout 2019; the following dates are: June 13, July 1, August 15, September 12, October 10, November 14 and December 5.


The high competitive level in the technology sector forces companies to redefine their marketing strategy more frequently.

According to Laura Botero Betancur, digital marketing manager at Digital Ware, new technologies must be designed to adapt quickly and incorporate them into the 2019 strategy. Here are some of them:

1. Virtual and augmented reality: its objective is to simulate reality through digital environments. Currently, it is used to support a purchasing decision as an interaction strategy between the brand and the consumer, attract customers, support business innovation processes and differentiate in the market with interactive activities.

2. Voice searches: currently technologies are designed to make life easier. A good example is Google Home, an assistant at home who, through the voice, plays songs and videos, remembers appointments, news, calls, etc.

3. 'Context marketing' and 'content marketing': being more assertive in digital communication is increasingly relevant. Presenting timely content to the indicated user, at the right time and on the right page is a permanent challenge.

4. 'Chatbots': they are increasingly used in companies. It allows the user to hold a conversation through a programmed and automated robot to simulate a real environment, as if a human were doing it. It is considered a trend insofar as it generates a greater interaction and relationship between brands and consumers.

5. Automation of 'marketing' and content: the large amount of information found on the network is forcing companies to generate greater value in the development of their content. The implementation of a platform that automates the production of content and marketing actions, not only reduces costs in the investment, but also optimizes the results, analyzes the data, allows a global vision of the business and consequently, takes better decisions.

6. Programmatic video: video today is the protagonist of digital consumption. The increase in demand forces companies to evolve their formats to increase their positioning and improve their relationship with their potential customers and their target audience.

7. 'Social commerce' and 'mobile commerce': purchases through social networks represent an evolution of e-commerce. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest represent the evolution of online shopping, especially for independent sellers and small brands.

The use of the internet through mobile devices shows the trend of m-commerce. This motivates merchants to adapt their websites to a full responsive version with transactional buttons.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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May 18, 2019

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