Realoq, a recently founded US real estate portal designed as a “multi-sided marketplace,” has extended its services to Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina.
"Unlike industry stalwarts, Realoq’s free-to-use service offers a hand-picked and custom-vetted pool of local agents, providing home buyers and sellers with peace of mind, full transparency, and top quality," said Anvesh Chakravartula, founder and CEO of Realoq, in a statement.
The portal doesn't charge any upfront fees or any monthly subscription instead working on a success fee of 25% of commission if and when a realtor closes a deal from a lead generated by the portal.
Founded last year, Realoq secured $3 million in seed funding from TRK Ventures in November. It is also currently available in Texas, California, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Realoq is one of a host of small operators looking to take a bite of the market enjoyed by the likes of Zillow, and