Leading hotel booking website, Travoline, has launched a new android exclusive app to simplify the way users book hotels, flights, and rent cars on the go.
The main goal of proptech innovations is to keep up the best customer experience possible for users with the latest tech available. With Travoline's new mobile app, travel itineraries within the app can include flights, rental cars, and hotel stays booking through online reservation. The mobile app also enables users to browse through hotel pictures, previews, check the proximity of the hotel from airport, and more to make better decisions when selecting a hotel.
Now there are four different ways the customers book the hotels. One is via visiting the hotel directly, secondly using the online hotel booking websites, third is by opting for a travel agency and now fourthly using a mobile hotel booking app. With the advancement and cutting-edge technology, booking hotels online and via app is getting more popular day by day.
“To ease the process, Travoline has designed its web-based hotel booking app to serve the customers across the globe. It’s utmost important focus for us in providing a user-friendly design and fair market prices to our existing and new customers.” said Nishanthi, Managing Director of Travoline. “The app will benefit the travelers making it possible to book hotels available in real-time and providing instant hotel confirmation. Meanwhile, customers also can check and cancel the reservation with just few simple steps.” She added.
Travoline streamlines the process for travelers looking to make multiple stops during their travels book prior to the trip. Users can search hotels in the preferred locations and reserve hotels quickly and easily.
SOURCE Travoline
Edited by V. Haviland
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