Boomin has announced yet another big-name signup to its platform while it gears up for its official launch. The Property Franchise Group’s (TPFG) six brands have all signed up to Boomin, joining the other agencies and real estate brands that makeup Boomin’s founding members list.
The six brands under the TPFG label include:
Boomin’s Executive Chairman, Michael Bruce, says:
“I would like to welcome The Property Franchise Group to the Boomin platform. The new tools on our platform such as Sneak Peak, Matchmaker and 24/7 will support their digital marketing strategy and alongside Property Playground will enable their franchisees to earn new and long-term revenue streams.”
Gareth Samples, the new CEO of TPFG, explained:
“Its potential is very exciting and we wanted our franchisees to be involved from the start of the journey and to secure all of the benefits of Founder Member status. The customer-focused proposition is compelling and a major leap forward from anything else currently in the space; we believe it could redefine the way portals are viewed by consumers.”
With TPFG’s support, Boomin will gain a boost of 32,000 properties from a group that sells around 11,000 properties a year.
So what is the significance of these early memberships? Boomin’s goal is to be the new leader of technology innovation for the real estate industry. The first signups will be super-influencers for the future and the leaders in development when it comes to property portals.