Torre, recruiting and talent-matching portal for eccentric careers and exciting opportunities, has an enticing tagline: come and find the "best job ever" where you can travel, make content, and get paid to do it.
All international travel and lodging costs will be covered for the selected Remoter Ambassador 2019-2020, a position which aims to articulate the why, how and what of remote work to a global community of business leaders. The successful applicant will be tasked with creating content across platforms and mediums, demonstrating to a variety of audiences why half of workers work from home at least half of the time – and why it is the future of work.
Torre is a leader in this space, using AI to power job matching solutions and further the transition from office work to remote work. Moreover, the outfit partners with, a major content producer and go-to hub for everything remote work. The Remoter Ambassador program is about spreading the word of remote work with good content and even better networking.
Read more here.
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