The two great challenges of AI: talent, and regulation

May 12, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

IMMUNE Coding Institute celebrates the second Impactful Tech meeting focused on Artificial Intelligence with the aim of knowing and responding to the challenges faced by this technology at the hands of great experts in the field.

The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in the business world has brought with it a series of challenges to which the technology industry is seeking answers. Which sectors will be most impacted by this technology? What are the implications of its application and what professional profile is necessary to continue with its evolution? What are the regulatory challenges that it poses to today's society and to the future? These are some of the questions that the different referring specialists in the matter participating in the second Impactful Tech meeting organized by IMMUNE Coding Institute, have tried to answer.

The debate has counted on the opinion of Luis Montero, Director of Data, IoT and Artificial Intelligence of Microsoft in Spain; Alicia Mateo, Head of Forecasting and Demand Management at Endesa Energía; Jaime Requejo, CTO Industry Solutions for Spain, Portugal, Israel and Greece of IBM; Olga Blanco Analytics, AI and IoT GBS Leader SPGI - Blockchain Leader SPGI from IBM; Ana Laguna, Data Scientist of BBVA Data & Analytics; Rocío González, Partner of Analyticae Data Mining S.L .; and the AI ​​experts Sergio Álvarez-Teleña, Cofounder of @SciTheworld, Senior Advisor of OliverWyman and honorary researcher in IA of the University College London (UCL); and Yolanda Lannquist Senior Researcher for IA in the Think Tank The Future Society of Harvard University.

Artificial Intelligence needs multidisciplinary teams

Artificial Intelligence has been developing for decades and for a long time providing value in different businesses and industrial sectors. While it is true that recent developments are allowing accelerated progress, allowing its adoption in more and more sectors and by an increasing number of experts is the next step.

However, one of the great limitations that is being found is the lack of qualified personnel. The most sought after by the technology sector today is a professional profile that has expert technical knowledge in combination with business knowledge and the industry in which Artificial Intelligence should be applied. As Sergio Álvarez-Teleña, Cofounder of @SciTheworld, states "it is important to establish a culture and technology that facilitates teamwork among experts, data scientists and developers. There are a few unicorns with criteria in all three roles so, for several years, the key will go through their coordination."

In addition, as Olga Blanco points out, Analytics, AI and IoT GBS Leader SPGI - Blockchain Leader SPGI from IBM, "the democratization of AI-based systems has made it possible to apply this technology without being a technical expert on the subject. The important thing now is to understand the problem that must be solved in order to implement solutions that work in the sector with the available tools ". Jaime Requejo, CTO Industry Solutions for Spain, Portugal, Israel and Greece of IBM, also specifies that "one thing is what we do in programming and another is to explain the information and the value it has for the business. That is why 'painting' the data is fundamental to make us understand, and the knowledge of the industry is a sine qua non condition to be able to explain it adequately to each sector."

The answer to this need for most of the attendees is to have multidisciplinary teams, in which the technical profiles are related to the business experts in order to get the best solution adapted to each sector through Artificial Intelligence.

Aggregate knowledge and automation of information analysis drives Artificial Intelligence.

The increase in computing capacity and the amount of data available have placed Artificial Intelligence as one of the most important technologies that will boost the development of business and the improvement of services for citizens, through the automation of analysis of information. As pointed out Ana Laguna, Data Scientist of BBVA Data & Analytics, "without a doubt the impact will affect very diverse sectors; but it is true that some will suffer a greater social revolution. From international relations, led for example by translators and automatic interpreters; robotic agriculture; or education that can be customized according to the needs and capabilities of each individual. However, the greatest impact will be seen especially in sectors such as smart transport, through the development of Smart Cities, and in healthcare, with the development of apps and systems for early detection of diseases that complement the work of health personnel."

Luis Montero, Director of Data, IoT and Artificial Intelligence of Microsoft in Spain, indicates that "it will allow to shorten the training times of the professionals of the sector and to generate an aggregate knowledge base of all of them, which allows that the diagnoses can be do it more wisely and in less time." For its part, Rocio Gonzalez, Partner of Analyticae Data Mining S.L., also points out that "the application of Artificial Intelligence also allows to see and create relationships between the available information that the human brain is not able to see."

The regulation in the spotlight

Currently there is no specific regulation on Artificial Intelligence and its application. However, its inappropriate use can turn it into a potentially dangerous tool for society as we conceive it today.

In this line Laguna comments, "Without a doubt this fourth industrial revolution led by the AI ​​will fundamentally modify the way we live, work and relate, impacting especially on the labor market, the future of many jobs and the awareness of privacy. The manipulation of personal data or the treatment of information as valuable as DNA are challenges to which regulation must respond in the short term."

Laguna adds that "in the same way that we have faced other technological offenses in the past (hacking, credit card fraud, etc.) AI continues to be another weapon that can be used with beneficial or malignant ends. In addition to having important advances in cybersecurity, ethics and regulatory bases must be very strong and move forward in tandem."

IMMUNE Coding Institute develops Impactful Tech

The Impactful Tech initiative is a cycle of meetings and debates that brings together professionals from leading companies and organizations in the technology sector with the objective of knowing the challenges the industry faces in recruiting trained and specialized professionals that adapt to their business needs.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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May 12, 2019

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