Shares of Scout24 AG have earned a consensus recommendation of “Hold” from the sixteen research firms that are presently covering the stock, reports. Three analysts have rated the stock with a sell recommendation, eight have assigned a hold recommendation and five have assigned a buy recommendation to the company. The average 12-month price objective among analysts that have issued a report on the stock in the last year is €45.71 ($53.16).
Several equities analysts have weighed in on the stock. UBS Group set a €46.00 ($53.49) target price on shares of Scout24 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in report on February 28th. Kepler Capital Markets set a €50.00 ($58.14) target price on shares of Scout24 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on March 25th. Deutsche Bank set a €51.00 ($59.30) target price on shares of Scout24 and gave the company a “buy” rating in a report on May 13th. Royal Bank of Canada set a €43.00 ($50.00) target price on shares of Scout24 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a report on May 14th. Finally, Goldman Sachs Group set a €47.00 ($54.65) target price on shares of Scout24 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a report on May 14th.
G24 opened at €46.18 ($53.70) this month. The stock has a market cap of $4.95 billion and a P/E ratio of 31.06. Scout24 has a twelve month low of €33.22 ($38.63) and a twelve month high of €48.62 ($56.53). The company has a current ratio of 1.42, a quick ratio of 1.10 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 66.94.
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