Soon, contact information on listings on Rightmove's platform will be automatically removed in a new function the British property portal will be implementing.
Any web links, email addresses and phone numbers included in the text for new and updated listings will automatically be removed before they go live.
All contact will go through, and be tracked by, Rightmove itself.
An online explanation of the new functionality says: “Having only one set of contact details on your property is less confusing for Rightmove users, making them feel more confident in sending you a lead.
“Not only that but your leads will consistently be sent through the ‘request details’ button or your personalized, tracked phone number which is automatically displayed across your listings.”
A Rightmove spokesperson told EYE: “The automatic removal of contact details is something new that’s being introduced to ensure there is only one set of contact details on a listing for a home hunter to contact, which will take them straight through to the agent by email or by phone.
“Rightmove’s technical guidelines have always stated that there should be no additional contact details on a listing, so this new technology will do this automatically for agents.”
However, one agent said he was far from happy with the new functionality, and accused Rightmove of exercising an unacceptable level of control.
Read more here
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