Research proves 70% of job seekers express disappointment with recruiting

October 20, 2019
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In the face of a talent shortage, companies are now more and more attentive to their recruitment processes and seek to provide a positive experience for candidates. While there is still a large room for improvement for most, it is necessary to ask first: what are the expectations of candidates to begin with? To find out, Meteojob conducted a survey of 2500 candidates of all ages, all levels of experience, all trades, and based all over France.

Candidates are reinforcing their requirements and no longer want an impersonal recruitment process, so, unsurprisingly, 70% of respondents said they have had a disappointing recruitment experience. On top of that, almost half still say that recruiters rarely, if ever, see their applications.

What drives applicants to apply for a job offer?

Despite the advent of social networks, we note that job sites remain the first reflex for the majority of candidates: they are used by 91% of respondents in the study.

According to CleverConnect, the parent company of Meteojob, CEO Marko Vujasinovic:

Looking for a job on a site such as Meteojob remains a reflex for the majority of candidates. Our job site allows them not only to access a variety of offers of all levels but to find the clearest and most concise ads possible.

And despite the tendencies of freelancing, candidates above all seek stability - often by trying to obtain a permanent contract for more than 90% of their applications.

In their job offers, companies have to go to the basics. The main elements that candidates are waiting to find in an offer: a description of the company's mission, compensation, the profile sought, information on the company, and working hours.

The top 3 motivations to apply? Company mission, location, and salary.

When they want to send their CV, the vast majority of applicants look for information about the company before sending their profile, mainly via their website.

If a candidate is waffling between two companies, the proposed wages only make second place when it comes to the criteria that will determine their choice. It turns out that the work atmosphere is what makes the difference for the respondents. Additionally, and supported by 50% of candidates, the balance between private and professional life also plays an important role.

Concerning the type of company, the preference of the candidates is now focused on SMEs and midcaps; only 10% of candidates still want to work in a large enterprise.

Candidates' expectations when they are recruited

Candidates do not want a long or complicated process - 80% consider recruitment too long if it exceeds a month. Furthermore, over 60% do not want more than two physical interviews within a company.

To save time and reduce travel, past test-takers support the new wave of video-based interviewing and believe it is effective.

Finally, in the event of a disappointing experience, a whopping 58% of candidates say that they would never apply to that company again, and 53% ensured that the negative situation would be relayed to their peers.

Vujasinovic concluded on the study with:

Through this study, we wanted to give the floor to candidates to enable companies to best meet their expectations. We want to give candidates the best of technology, and allow them to experience a more than positive recruitment process: a solution that will also allow recruiters true retention of talent.

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Property Portal Watch Madrid Summit 2019

October 20, 2019

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