South African businesses now have a new way to find and recruit graduates, interns, and apprentices after a successful run working with women seeking flexible work. is a new online recruitment platform from the award-winning creator of The new platform aims to pair young graduates, interns, and apprentices who have graduated from reputable higher learning institutions in the past five years, or those who need work experience to complete their qualifications, with businesses and entrepreneurs looking for the energy and skills that young recruits can offer. completed a successful trial phase in March 2019 and opened its doors for job listings and professional recruitment in April.
“Modern recruitment practices and mega online job portals are valuable tools for mainstream job placements, but its brute force approach can be inefficient for smaller businesses and first-time job seekers,” says Phillipa Geard, Founder of RecruitAGraduate.
It is in this fertile space that RecruitAGraduate will offer its range of services. On the one hand it will assist businesses which want to employ young talent but cannot afford expensive, graduate recruitment campaigns, and which equally cannot risk a wrong placement.
On the other hand, it will exclusively help new academic and vocational graduates who need to find meaningful work and position themselves for a successful career amid the noise and seemingly insurmountable obstacles they face in the current South African job market.
Read more here.
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