In a move to uplift the real estate industry into the age of sustainability, PropertyGuru is awarding those who are at the forefront of innovation that embraces green technology and supports gender and ethnic diversity.
This year’s PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit 2020: Virtual Edition will be comprised of themes including green building and technology, carbon-negative and carbon-neutral design trends, humanitarian tech, the future of urban living, and smart, healthy cities. The event’s slogan this year is “Spirit of Innovation”.
Speakers at this event include leaders from institutions and multinational brands like International Finance Corporation/World Bank, The Economist Intelligence Unit, JLL, Accor, Microsoft, and IKEA.
Furthermore, the event will be segmented to further push the sustainability and diversity agenda along:
This summit is meant to connect those within the industry with other like-minded professionals, even more specifically, those who are interested and involved in the betterment of the industry as a whole when it comes to the environment and minority communities across the world.
Since 2015, the PropertyGuru Asia Real Estate Summit has stayed above the curve when it comes to forward-thinking. The summit has been a world-leading event bringing together the most influential global names in the region.