PlasticsEurope is recognized for its support of Spain's young talent

December 11, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

PlasticsEurope, the European association of manufacturers of plastic raw materials, has received recognition from the Complutense University of Madrid for its impetus to the talent and professional development of young people, thanks to its status as a Collaborating Entity with the UCM Practices Programs 2019.

The Complutense University of Madrid, through the Vice-Rectorate for Employability and Entrepreneurship, aims to promote employability and improve the opportunities for professional insertion of its students and graduates. To achieve its objectives, it develops various activities and services through four main work areas: Training, Internships, Employment and Studies and Analysis.

Since 2015, PlasticsEurope maintains a collaboration agreement with the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the UCM, which establishes a space for collaboration through the organization of workshops and training cycles aimed at students related to polymers and the plastics industry 

The award ceremony, which took place at the Faculty of Geological Sciences, was chaired by Joaquín Goyache Goñi, rector of the Complutense University of Madrid; Pilar González de Frutos, president of the Social Council; Concepción García Gómez, Vice Chancellor for Employability and Entrepreneurship, and Lorena Ortega Menor, Dean of the Faculty of Geological Sciences.

After his interventions, Francisco Ortega Gómez, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, highlighted the collaboration and support of PlasticsEurope with the Complutense University of Madrid:

“PlasticsEurope has helped us for many years in everything we have promoted from the Faculty, especially in promote the integration of our students in the labor market of important industrial and technological companies.”

On the part of PlasticsEurope they collected the badge Irene Mora, responsible for Environment and Sustainability, and Lola Ruiz, responsible for Education. "For PlasticsEurope it is very important to actively collaborate with the quarry of the next scientific talent in our country, so supporting their initiatives is a pleasure and also an investment for the future of our industry," said Irene Mora.

“This 2019 has also been special for Chemistry, since we have commemorated the International Year of the Periodic Table. We have participated in many actions that have been promoted from the Faculty related to this milestone, in addition to other training and professional guidance activities in which we have been participating for several years,” said Lola Ruiz.

Good practices

It is worth mentioning the great diversity of recognized entities and their diverse origin, since there have been so many belonging to the State administration, autonomous communities and town halls, as private companies, associations, foundations, professional associations and even some internal services of the university. In the words of Concepción García, this shows that "good practices are not associated with one type or another of organization, but with the involvement of the people behind the institutions." RTVE, A3 Media, the INE, the Bank of Spain, SERMAS, CIEMAT, the Council of the Judiciary, National Heritage, the Prado Museum, Microsoft, Telefónica, Aqua-Lab Science & Hygiene or Alkemi have been recognized among others.

The I Act of Recognition to Entities Collaborating with the Programs of Practices UCM 2019 had as a climax the performance of the string quartet of the Symphony Orchestra of the UCM and the final words of Joaquín Goyache Goñi, rector of the institution, which closed the ceremony thanking the work of companies for the future of students of different grades of the Complutense University of Madrid.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.


December 11, 2019

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