Alfonso Jiménez, Managing Partner of PeopleMatters, commented:
“It is an honor for us to sign this agreement, since it is important to adapt to the new labor market where young people and professionals are going to be similarly scarce. But, in addition, senior talent accumulates a very valuable know-how for companies and should not be wasted. Those companies that continue to maintain an attitude of separating generations and simply waiting for seniors with high salaries to leave or retire will not be making the most of one of their best assets.”
Companies must assume that workers will age, and they will have to manage older people as working lifecycles are extended. They must also assume that new talent is always part of the equation, and senior professionals will need to be engaged and trained accordingly.
In this context, both entities consider that it is a social obligation, as well as their responsibility, but at the same time a great opportunity for the business sector to work to improve employability and the return to the labor market of those professionals. With that coveted skill and knowledge base, it helps create an inclusive environment for that talent inside and outside of organizations.
“In this sense," the Endesa Foundation Project Director Gloria Juste, points out, “thanks to the support of our collaborators, our SAVIA community is promoting initiatives, offering resources and training, as well as generating synergies that allow our senior professionals new and real opportunities to return to the workforce.”
With this project, it is intended to provide effective solutions for optimization with two dimensions: the need for senior professionals to continue working and providing mentorship, and the need that exists in the business world and social organizations to capture that talent.
Join us November 13-15 for the Property Portal Watch Conference Madrid 2019.