Optimizing recruiting and management with artificial intelligence in the HR realm

May 19, 2019

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

The Spanish consultancy AIS Group, a pioneer in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial and marketing areas, now translates its know-how to the human resources areas of companies and organizations, allowing the gain of efficiency in both the selection processes and in the management of the teams and the creation, recruitment, and retention of talent.

Nausica Trias, General Director of AIS Group, has revealed that the decision to open a new line of business oriented to HR comes with the will to make the AI ​​the best ally of these departments, helping them to generate value in the company. "With this we do not mean just to make a qualitative leap in terms of your daily work, gaining in agility and efficiency, but rather a department whose activity contributes more and more to the company's income statement."

AIS Group has spent years applying its experience in AI and Machine Learning in other areas, not only to automate processes - avoiding routine and tedious tasks - but also to optimize its operations and results. The company's proposal for HR areas is based on the same principle and is based on two pillars. On the one hand, optimize the recruitment of talent and on the other, manage that talent in the most efficient way. The result, the desire of many HR managers: to be able to stop spending hours filtering out an infinity of CVs that do not meet the requirements of the profile, manage schedules effectively, facilitate conciliation, encourage a good work environment.

Saving time, resources and money

"The HR areas are really critical in terms of the success of companies and their businesses," says Nausica Trias; not in vain are they responsible for attracting and loyalty to the professionals who make up the team and who make the companies achieve their objectives. The use of AI can greatly facilitate their work while achieving significant savings in time, resources and money.

AIS Group uses Artificial Intelligence through techniques such as machine learning (ML), text mining (TM), chatbots and natural language processing (NLP), which allow to automate certain tasks also providing metrics of the impact of HR actions.

What does AI contribute to human resources?

The value proposition of AIS Group offers, in the selection section, the screening of CVs and the automatic agenda of interviews with the best rated candidates. For its part, in the area of ​​management and talent, AIS Group applies the AI ​​to activities such as talent retention, training, updating and promotion, reduction of absenteeism and the management of shifts and schedules .

In addition, AIS Group also produces personnel forecasting and management models, which allow HR to know which personnel it will need and which workers can assign certain tasks in specific situations that may affect the behavior of customers, ensuring the quality of the service.

Trias shows that the AI ​​in no case involves the replacement of the HR team: "Its application is mainly to give them more time for the tasks in which they contribute the most value."

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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May 19, 2019

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