The new pricing policy was structured to help agents during the pandemic by allowing a partial deferral of fees for a short period of time. But many agents and other companies made their thoughts known very quickly through social media. Rightmove quickly apologized and rescinded the policy.
Despite the change, many agents saw this as a move among many others that has upset the market. Rightmove's share price lost around 20% of its value during the troubles recently.
OpenBrix was openly critical of Rightmove's move as it aims to update and modernize the buying, selling, and rental real estate markets while building a community-focused platform.
OpenBrix aims to launch in early April and will start by offering agents 100% free listing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The platform also boasts a lower £100 per agent fee with no limit on the number of listings.
The platform will also be based on blockchain technology to reinforce safety for both agents and consumers.
Clearly OpenBrix is offering its criticism as an effort to promote its own platform, but with the coronavirus outbreak heavily influencing the real estate market there is