OneDome, the company which owns the eponymous UK property portal as well as, has announced that July was its record month with 1.7 million unique users representing a rise of 200,000 from June. The portal company, which featured in our UK Challengers interview series, has been on a steady rise recently signing up large agency groups, and is riding the wave of traffic all property portal sites are seeing in the UK at the moment.
OneDome also reported 170,000 tenant and buyer leads generated for agents and has started generating vendor leads as well. The company generates its revenue by selling leads around tertiary services such as mortgages and conveyancing and has seen a real uptick in agent signups, so much so that it has recently had to hire more staff to handle telesales and onboarding. The company has also been expanding its box of tools for agents, with the partnership with housing data provider Sprift in July, and will be looking to bring on more tools in September according to this week’s statement.