One in four companies in Europe already offer new flexible job options

July 13, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

Collaboration has become a value to work and promoted in organizations that must manage a human capital with a diverse profile and with a contractual relationship with freelance workers who begin to occupy a key role. However, there is a group of companies that have begun to incorporate a new modality of work known as job-sharing and whose characteristics have been analyzed by the IMF Business School.

That the labor market is changing is an undeniable reality that is highlighted by the new formulas that many organizations are introducing in order to streamline all their operations, achieve better results, save costs and, ultimately, be more competitive. Some objectives that companies are seeking to achieve through the implementation and use of new technologies, but also through a clear commitment to greater labor flexibility. In fact, about 6 out of 10 Spanish companies already have days with flexible hours, although they recognize that only 17% have it in force for all their employees, according to the Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Directors of Navarra.

However, as part of this strategy, companies have begun to reinvent their work formulas, introducing new models such as 'Crowd employment', which allows organizations or workers to connect to an online platform and offer services or products to other companies and companies. Professionals in exchange for money choose the 'Casual Work', which involves the hiring of services to meet specific needs, or the 'Job sharing', a modality that implies sharing position, responsibilities and, even, salary.

As explained by the IMF Business School, it is a formula that is not as well known in Spain and, moreover, "the regulations do not help much as far as changes are concerned". However, in other European countries it is already a trend and, in fact, in countries like Germany, Canada, Australia or the United Kingdom, almost 50% of the positions offered are Job Sharing, according to the German consultant Robert Half. In this sense, companies such as Microsoft or Siemens have already implemented it and that 1 in 4 European companies already includes it, according to Robert Half's study.

But what does job sharing imply for a professional? IMF Business School has analyzed the characteristics that define this new way of working:

A team made up of two. This new way of working requires two employees. "Both will work hand in hand in all the tasks to be carried out," sources at the business school explain.

One place Likewise, although there are two people involved, they develop their activity in a single position, which is shared with all that entails: schedule, tasks, responsibilities ...

Shared salary According to IMF Business School, this distribution significantly increases the flexibility of employees, who can more easily reconcile their work and family life. As a negative counterpart, dividing the schedule can cause the salary to be reduced.

Two well differentiated modalities. Shared responsibility, they are equal and share all job responsibilities. Divided responsibility, those cases are the ones that are easiest to divide the project into specific tasks.

Good vibes, the key to success This type of position only works when both workers get along and there is an equal relationship, as well as an effective and regular communication.

For Carlos Martínez, president of IMF Business School, "the labor market is undergoing a transformation in all aspects and both companies and schools and universities are obliged to adapt to it and train employees capable of responding to these new demands For this reason, from IMF Business School we work and develop our programs with leading companies in each of the sectors. "

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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