Created by higher education management groups in UAE, a new platform is being launched that will give teachers working abroad opportunities to return home for work. will focus on connecting schools with teachers who are working overseas, making it easier to match vacancies with prospective candidates, according to its backers.
The online platform is being supported by the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS), the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD), the country's Education and Training Boards, and by the Joint Managerial Body, which manages mostly religious-run secondary schools.
John Irwin, ACCS General Secretary, said the beauty of the online portal was its simplicity; "We are adopting a very simple recruitment tool to enable potential candidates to be matched with schools which have vacancies. Teachers are being given the chance to express an interest in returning home and applying for a job."
He said the website would also help to assess demand for jobs, while at the same time identifying opportunities for qualified applicants.
Teachers will be given the opportunity to email contact details, a CV, preferred employment location, and specialist subjects to the website. Schools will be able to confirm vacancies and forward current school application forms for teachers.
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