Despite the prevalence of autism - one out of every 59 kids - children still endure hurdles involving communication, social, and learning differences that hinders their progress, even if they're fully capable of doing the same work that others can.
Georgia Tech student Jhillika Kumar‘s brother Vikram is one of those children. He is non-verbal, and had a hard time interacting with the world — until he received an iPad.
“It completely changed his life,” Kumar tells Hypepotamus. “I realized how technology was so instrumental to help him be independent and help him feel more fulfilled and engaged.”
“That inspired me to found AxisAbility,” she says.
Kumar and co-founder Conner Reinhardt started researching the autism community to understand the major challenges.
After doing customer discovery with several organizations, they found out about the high rates of unemployment or underemployment for adults with autism. Autism Speaks estimates the underemployment rate to be as high as 90 percent.
AxisAbility’s neurodiverse hiring platform, Mentra, connects corporate recruiters with job candidates who have autism. In addition, the platform attempts to close the gap in understanding accommodations of the disorder.
Read more here.
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