LinkedIn and Pôle emploi publish the results of a study on jobs and skills in France, which presents the most popular professions in the job market. Business Development Specialist, Recruitment Officer and Data Scientist are the fastest growing professions.
To carry out this study with Pôle emploi, LinkedIn analyzed the profiles of its members in France and studied the evolution of recruitment by profession from 2012 to 2017. A mapping of the evolution of professions and skills of LinkedIn members has from the 12,000 professions identified by the professional network.
Because this study is based on the analysis of profiles of LinkedIn members, some trades or sectors may be under-represented. Currently, LinkedIn has 17 million members in France, a share of employment large enough for some lessons to be learned from this analysis.
The professions of project manager and salesman are among the most common professions among LinkedIn members in France.
The occupations of business development specialist, responsible for recruitment and 'data scientist' are the three professions identified as the most "emerging", which results in an increase in their proportion among recruitments made between 2012 and 2017. The cities Paris, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Bordeaux and Toulouse have the highest density of LinkedIn members in these professions.
Conversely, the positions of project manager, journalist and salesman are among the most "declining" occupations, in the sense that their proportion of recruitments has decreased between 2012 and 2017. The same is true for professions, for example. architect or graphic designer.
LinkedIn members in "declining" occupations are more likely to have a two-year degree, while members in emerging professions are more likely to hold a degree in general.
In addition, these occupations identified as "declining" are more spread across the country. Rennes, Nantes and Lille are the cities in France with the highest proportion of members in these professions.
Only 3 out of 10 LinkedIn members have made a professional transition from "declining" trades to so-called emerging professions, and sellers and project managers are more likely to have made such a transition.
"To meet the needs of job seekers and businesses, Pôle emploi mobilizes all available data. Our partnership with LinkedIn allows us to deepen our analysis, better identify local employment needs and thus enrich our services by sector and by region."
Cyril Nouveau, Director of Statistics, Studies and Evaluation at Pôle emploi
"With this partnership, we are making available the power of LinkedIn's encrypted data, and we are offering with L'Economic Graph, a complementary tool enabling Pôle emploi to have a mapping of the trends in business and skills in France."
Fabienne Arata, Country Manager of LinkedIn France
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