The challenge accompanying employers in the Polish labor market is invariably the shortage of suitable candidates, a decrease in employee loyalty and, high and precise expectations - especially representatives of the youngest incoming generations. However, labor market experts point out that the key is not so much to meet the needs of representatives of individual age groups but to adapt companies to the digital world and the needs of employees accustomed to using technology at every step.
People who have been accompanied by modern technologies almost from birth are entering the labor market. Constant access to information, the internet, and social media are a natural, well-known reality for them. At the same time, representatives of older generations, whose youth fell on times without constant communication, equally effectively use the resources of the digital world, intuitively using available communication tools. Consequently, it is not the date of birth, but the habit of continuous access to information, "connecting" to the media and building online relationships define today's employees. For employers, the entire Generation C (for Connected) is a challenge, but also a chance to build a competitive advantage in the labor market.
Employers who are able to understand the motivation of employees who use online communication tools for many purposes and in different circumstances should include this element in their employment strategy. Working conditions conducive to this group of professionals can help the company acquire valuable talents and take advantage of their potential - ingenuity, innovation and a tendency to search for non-standard solutions.
"A generation of employees successfully combining parallel operations in the real world and online is characterized by great creativity. This can be seen primarily in the way they create content, express their opinions and solve problems," says Paula Rejmer, an expert at Hays Poland. "So the employer who will create a platform for open communication in the company and respond to the needs of employees related to available communication tools and greater independence in choosing how to do the job, on their part can count on honest opinions, commitment and explicit suggestions for change," she adds.
It is also worth remembering that Generation C are people who usually want to solve problems. Getting used to continuous improvement means that when they encounter a problem, they do not try to accept it or get used to the inconvenience, but try to find the right solution. This attitude requires openness and listening skills from companies. It is not easy, but meeting the employees, their suggestions and ideas can increase the level of business innovation. Many "connected" willingly propose improvements and new applications of available technological solutions - not only within their specialization but throughout the organization.
The feeling that the world is at your fingertips translates into their natural thinking in terms of digital transformation. Employers who are aware that sales for Generation C are mainly e-commerce, data are always available in the cloud, and video conferences and messengers are commonplace, they have a chance to overtake the competition in the fight for the most talented candidates.
In many industries and specializations, companies are increasingly competing for employees. The management and HR departments develop employment strategies, taking into account both the competitive level of remuneration and an interesting career path as well as a package of appropriate non-wage benefits. Despite this, it is very difficult to get candidates interested in even competitive offers. The key to success is to offer candidates the right proportion of what they really want and value most. It is worth remembering that it is not so much generational belonging as individual characteristics and habits that define these needs and expectations.
What in particular is Generation C paying attention to? Having a sense of meaningful work and freedom of action, allowing even to propose solutions going beyond one's area of specialization. Flexible working hours, task working time, and accountability for completed tasks are welcome. Generation C loudly says that the development of communication technologies means that the necessity to come to the office every day is obsolete because you can work from anywhere in the world.
"Of course, not every company is ready to effectively respond to the needs of the 'connected' generation," emphasizes Paula Rejmer from Hays Poland. "In order to attract the best candidates on today's labor market, it is necessary to introduce changes that will facilitate this task - from the appearance of the office, through the structure, to the individual approach to each employee," adds the Hays Poland expert.
Contrary to stereotypes, Generation C is not full of lazy, disloyal employees with high expectations and claims against the employer, but employees for whom work comfort should not be compromised. In order to create a workplace that employees will appreciate and engage with for a long time, it is necessary to answer specific needs and understand the motivation of the candidates.
"Salary will still be important, but Generation C attaches greater importance to the possibility of realizing passion, maintaining a balance between professional and personal life as well as a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It is for these reasons that they can be associated with a given employer, expecting appreciation and individual treatment,” Rejmer concludes.
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