There's any number of situations in the business realm that require the delicate touch of a specialist for the most random assortment of tasks imaginable - event management, a marketing campaign, graphic design.
Many entrepreneurs, organizers and companies do not have extensive teams of designers and developers. Hiring freelancers can be the cheapest, quickest and high-quality solution to get the job done.
But how? Acquiring a suitable freelancer, usually on a time constraint becomes daunting. Even if you do find someone, their work ethic, efficiency and eventual product might not be up to par.
The perspective from the other side of the table – freelancers may be very good at their job, highly skilled but can still find difficulty finding work. Most freelancers are not already established or reputed. Occasional “Hiring” posts on social media, and messages to acquaintances are not one’s best bet at finding work. Experience and skills do not equate to fulfilling tasks and realistic wages and commissions.
The core dilemma lies in this disconnect between employer and employee; the lack of a proper marketplace.
Read more here.
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