After another year of successful development, JobTeaser, the leading platform in Europe for career guidance and recruitment of young people, has decided to take the lead and expand even further. In order to support its growth and its status as a European leader, the company has just acquired a Research, Innovation and Foresight Department.
To give itself the means of its ambitions, the French startup brings Jeremy Lamri, the founder of the Lab HR, the leading reference in Europe on the topic of HR innovation. Also founder of Monkey Tie, researcher in cognitive science on the subject of skills and intelligence, and HR worker at ESCP, HEC and Mines-ParisTech, Jérémy Lamri is recognized as one of the best French experts on the themes of employment, work and training.
Jérémy Lamri is an entrepreneur who has a dozen years of experience. He is currently completing a PhD in cognitive science at Paris Descartes. Author and lecturer on the topics of the future of work, HR, organizations and ecosystems, in 2018 he also published a book on the redefinition and the link between skills, intelligences and performance: "The skills of the 21st century."
For Adrien Ledoux, CEO of JobTeaser, it is an important phase in the development of the company that is being built with this appointment: "JobTeaser chooses to invest more and more on research and innovation with the recruitment of Jérémy. For 10 years, JobTeaser relies on a team of experts, committed to serving the new generation. In the same vein, the arrival of Jérémy will allow us to scale up the subject of vocational guidance in Europe."
The challenge is daunting, as the career orientation of young workers is difficult to address: one out of two young people aged 18-30 do not know what they want to do a year before entering the job market. Jérémy Lamri sets the bar high for this new adventure: "By identifying good practices of career guidance, we can build a universal path of accompaniment, which meets the needs of both completely lost youth and young people close to the goal. We can help European youth find their way, it is a mission that carries a project of society in which I find myself."
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