InfoJobs reports that youth unemployment is a major concern in Spain

August 26, 2019
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The second quarter of the year has closed with a total of 19,804,900 people employed in Spain, according to recent data published by the INE in its Survey of Active Population. This figure is 0.31% higher than those registered in the first quarter of 2019, while the unemployment rate has stood at 14.02%, 67% below the previous quarter. In the last year this rate has fallen by 1.26 points.

Additionally, InfoJobs reports that this positive evolution of employment in Spain has been taken note of. Specifically, in the months of April, May and June, more than 750,000 vacancies were recorded by InfoJobs, 6.5% more than those published on the platform during the first quarter of the year. The sectors that have generated more employment in the second quarter of the year have been: Commercial and sales (19%), Customer service 11%), IT and telecommunications (11%), Tourism and catering (9%) and Professions, arts and trades (8%).

72% of the active population under 24 years of age is concerned about youth unemployment

By age, EPA data show declines in unemployment the current quarter among people 20 and older. The biggest decline is seen between those from 25 to 54 (120,600 less unemployed). In contrast, the number of unemployed rises by 5,500 between those aged 16 to 19.

Unemployment among young people visibly worries the Spaniards of this age group. In fact, InfoJobs recently announced the results of its First Employment Barometer, which analyzes the concerns of Spaniards based on their gender, age, situation or employment level. The results of this showed that, in the specific case of the active population under 24, the main concern is youth unemployment, mentioned by 72% of respondents. The second most mentioned concern for this age group is that salaries are not consistent with experience and training.

The temporary employment rate grows 48% to 26.36%

Specifically, according to EPA data, the temporary employment rate has increased by 48%, to 26.36% in the second quarter of the year. The number of employees has increased by 330,500. This increase is distributed as follows, between those with a temporary contract (166,100) and those with an indefinite contract (164,500).

This is also seen in the vacancies published in InfoJobs. During the first quarter of the year, the platform data showed a predominance of vacancies that offered indefinite hiring: 30% of the vacancies published on the platform offered an indefinite contractual modality, the most popular on the platform, while vacancies with temporary contractual modality represented 22.6%. During the past quarter, vacancies with a determined contractual modality have grown in InfoJobs, representing 31% of the total, above the indefinite contractual modality, offered in 27.5% of vacancies.

These figures continue to show a high rate of temporality in Spain, which worries the entire population. Specifically, and according to the data of the Employment Barometer of InfoJobs, the precariousness derived from temporary hiring is mentioned by 59% of the active population as one of the aspects related to employment that concern them most . And looking at the unemployed active population, this concern grows even more (up to 68%), standing, after wages, as the second issue that most worries them today in the workplace.

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August 26, 2019

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