This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
Madrid and Catalonia are, once again, the communities that generate the most employment, concentrating 55% of the total published vacancies.
InfoJobs, the leading platform in Spain to find the best job opportunities and the best talent, registered a total of 234,345 job vacancies to work in Spain last September, representing 24% more vacancies compared to August.
The Commercial and Sales (45,490 vacancies), Customer Service (28,746 vacancies) and IT and Telecommunications (25,275 vacancies) sectors have led the job creation in Spain in September.
Another sector that has channeled a large number of vacancies through InfoJobs is the Purchasing, Logistics and Warehouse, with 21,388 jobs offered. Keep in mind that vacancies in this sector could continue their growing path in the coming months, since e-commerce takes a leading role during the Black Friday era and during the Christmas campaigns.
Professions, arts and crafts (9%) and Tourism and restoration (8%) are other sectors that have helped create employment in September: both sectors filled 20,289 and 17,964 vacancies, respectively.
More than 60,000 vacancies at InfoJobs offered an indefinite contract in September
Of the total vacancies that reported on the type of contract offered, 63,813 offered an indefinite contractual modality - that is, 28% of the total, which represents a growth of 36% compared to the month of August. In turn, vacancies that offered a contractual term of fixed duration in September accounted for 33% of the total, 18% more than the previous month.
Among the jobs offered in September, the weight of the full-time day (60% of the total vacancies published) stands out, compared to those that offer a part-time (21%) or intensive (4%) job.
Madrid and Catalonia concentrate more than half of the vacancies offered
As in previous months, Madrid and Catalonia are once again the communities where more employment is generated, concentrating 55% of the total vacancies offered in September.
Specifically, the Community of Madrid, which leads the ranking, has registered 74,770 jobs, (32% of the total vacancies). Secondly, we find Catalonia where 54,577 jobs have been registered (23% of the total).
Andalusia, on the other hand, is the third Community with the highest volume of vacancies published in September by collecting 21,908 vacancies, 29.5% more than in August.
If we analyze the data at the level of growth, Castilla-La Mancha, the Valencian Community and Cantabria have been the three communities that have grown the most from one month to another, registering an increase of the vacancies offered of 44.5%, 43% and 34%, respectively.
This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.
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