Indian Minister Srinivas Yadav recently debuted a new app on the Google Play Store for the budding community of film workers and professionals, entitled CineHire.
The app is a unique talent management platform with more than 100 plus job categories to apply and offers a space to jumpstart a film career under the guidance of experts and bigwigs from the tinseltown, a press release said.
After launching the official promotional posters of CiniHire, Srinivas Yadav appreciated the application developed by Manas Dandanayak who, on completing his engineering from Mallareddy College of Engineering, has come up with nearly 50 short films in the last two years. “The app is not only useful for actors and technicians aspiring for a career in the film industry but also for production houses and filmmakers,” he said.
Producer Director, Nagabala Suresh Kumar said the app was a big help for aspiring talent as it does away with the need for them to go around filmmakers and production houses with portfolios.
Read more here.
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