We often hear about what digital brings to HR services: saving time, saving money, simplifying processes, and more. It is also often forgotten that the progress made in HRIS has an immediate impact on employees' daily lives. The PeopleSpheres teams, the 100% scalable HRIS, look back on the advantages of a digital solution for the employee: more autonomy, more freedom, more transparency and above all increased participation in the life of the company.
For the collaborator: more autonomy and reactivity!
It's the creation of a personal space centralizing all the information and being able to be updated directly by the employee allows complete autonomy. For example, they can more easily access forms for specific requests: leave, expense claims, salary advances or work certification. It can also exchange via an instant messaging system directly with the HR teams, on any subject that concerns or concerns its teams.
From the mobile application or the online platform, employees can access all the information they need and thus focus more on their work objectives, and be more invested in its value-added missions.
The collaborator becomes an actor of his professional career
Thanks to its personalized access, the employee can also learn about their situation to progress and carry out their professional project in the company. An example: on PeopleSpheres, the employee can visualize the evolution of his remuneration, their objectives, and consult the training catalog proposed by the company. With all the changes around the CPF and the autonomy of employees in terms of professional training, more free and transparent access to this type of information allows the employee to better manage their career plan.
A collaborator more involved in the life of the company
Collaborative experience has become a real lever for commitment and retention of talent. In some sectors, such as digital, the war of talent is raging and it is essential for the company to improve the integration of new employees and their commitment. Always on the online platform and / or on the application, the employee can contribute to improve the quality of life at work and the well-being of the employees in his company.
Via a suggestion box, regular polls,they can freely express their opinion. For example, they can also interact with their colleagues by finding their contact information via the company directory. All this contributes to developing on the one hand the sense of belonging of employees and on the other hand their commitment to the company. The goal: to co-create a benevolent and efficient work environment.
Join us in Madrid, November 12-15 for the Global Online Marketplaces Summit.