Hostfully, end-to-end property management platform, has recently unveiled its fresh results from a local recommendations report, as discussed by Co-founder David Jacoby.
Hostfully, a leading software company that makes property management software for vacation rental companies, released a 2019 market study titled “Transforming vacation rentals with local recommendations”. The study is based on data gathered from the Hostfully platform over three years, with customers creating more than 500,000 content pieces during that time.
Why recommendations matter to vacation rental managers
Hostfully found that local recommendations are considered by property managers as one of the most important components of a personalised vacation experience. Using the Hostfully platform, tens of thousands of managers have systematically incorporated personalised local recommendations for their guests, namely through digital guidebooks.
The study found that vacation rental travellers are more tolerant of questions from property managers because these travellers expect to do more planning, and by answering questions, travellers provide more data because they are communicating more frequently with the property manager. The market study notes that this is a hugely untapped business opportunity in terms of upscaling the experience, branding and lead generation.
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