According to workers, companies must attract candidates from different types of backgrounds - this is apparent from the first results of the Diversity and Inclusion survey by recruiting expert Hays. As many as 22.9% of respondents believe that organizations must focus on recruiting diverse ethnic groups, even more so than recruiting women. A diverse and inclusive environment contributes to a positive corporate culture and attracts potential candidates. Hays emphasizes the importance of diversity for an effective branding strategy.
As part of its Diversion and Inclusion survey, recruitment expert Hays asked more than 200 people which group of the population had the least representation in the labor market. 22.9% of respondents said that businesses should concentrate on recruiting other ethnic groups, even more than on recruiting women (16.4%). The fact that workers are open to a diverse work environment is also apparent from the other figures: 9% would like to see more workers over 50 in companies, 7% more people with disabilities and 7% believe that recruiting people from the LGBTQ + community is a priority. The results above illustrate the main areas for improvement for companies, which does not mean that respondents do not ask their management to pay more attention to other groups as well.
A diversified company requires a diverse workforce
It is notable that 20.9% of respondents believe that current staffing already meets a realistic representation for the company. Robby Vanuxem, Managing Director at Hays, explains: "Some demographic groups such as ethnic minorities, women, and the LGBTQ + community are increasingly confronted with hiring discrimination. Diversity is therefore not yet a reality or an obviousness."
Companies with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion in their strategy, however, benefit. According to the respondents, a diverse and inclusive work environment has a positive effect on the company culture (61.2%) and attractiveness for potential candidates (52.2%). "We encourage all employers to actively develop a diversity and inclusiveness workforce policy. This is essential for attracting new talent and therefore for the sustainability of the organization," says Vanuxem.
What precisely defines a diverse and inclusive organization? "Diversity goes beyond sex or socio-cultural background. It also includes consideration, respect, acceptance of individual specificities and the belief that this can add value to the organization. Workers feel more recognized and appreciated, which increases their motivation. They are also proud to work for such a company. Diversity also has an impact on the bottom line, as motivated and satisfied workers are more productive. A diversified and inclusive workforce policy is a win-win situation," concludes the Managing Director.
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