Glassdoor, one of the leading job search portals worldwide, has begun operations in Spain.
The company offers users in search of employment more in-depth information about job offers and the companies that publish them, through the opinions and valuations of those who know them best: their employees.
This information is added to the results of the offers available, offering the user a much more complete perspective in order to make a decision.
As a result of this innovative approach, Glassdoor currently has about 67 million unique monthly users and is available in 19 markets worldwide.
Now, with its arrival in Spain, the company seeks to respond to a growing demand for information and to bring job seekers a much more personalized experience.
Thanks to Glassdoor, job seekers will have more than 50 million opinions, salary valuations, and other content at their fingertips with which to get a much more concrete idea about their dream job. You'd be hard-pressed to find a job search platform better at combining its results with such a deep and complete level of information about offers and companies.
"We are convinced that by combining the results of job offers with opinions and valuations about companies and data on salaries and other key aspects of work experience, we facilitate a better and more satisfactory search and selection process. And this is because a better informed job seeker leads to a stronger commitment and employment relationship," says John Lamphiere, Vice President and CEO of EMEA at Glassdoor.
In addition to all this, users can also customize the search results based on the position they want, location, distance, business sector, company size, or valuation of the company, among other factors. Once this is done, they will be able to configure alerts and notifications to be able to request new posts as soon as they are available.
Glassdoor works with a "give to receive" model, so that the user can access all the information on the platform for free, once they have collaborated with some opinion or salary information on their part.
This model helps to avoid an excess of extremely positive or negative assessments and encourages more neutral and balanced ratings. As a result, the average rating of a company on Glassdoor is 3.44 on a scale of five.
"At Glassdoor we seek to reach a large audience, and now we strengthen our position in Spain to ensure that its workers and companies access a more complete and productive experience," Lamphiere says.
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