FRACE and MasterCard present the Young Women's Scientific Talent Awards

November 10, 2019
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This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

The Royal Academy of Sciences Foundation of Spain (FRACE) and MasterCard have presented the Prizes to the Young Female Scientific Talent in the Greenhouse of the Plaza de Toros de las Ventas (Madrid). The event took place during the Mastercard Innovation Forum Spain 2019 conference.

This recognition is granted to young Spanish scientists who have stood out for their experience in the following disciplines: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, and Applications of Science to Technology. With these awards, FRACE and Mastercard want to support female science talent in Spain - a shared objective for which they have committed to continue collaborating with future initiatives. The prizes have an economic endowment of 2,500 euros per category.

The awards ceremony was attended by the Secretary of State for Universities, Research, Development and Innovation, Ángeles Heras Caballero, as well as with the members of the jury of the Prize: the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences (RAC) and President of FRACE, Prof. Jesús María Sánz-Serna; the presidents of the Exactas section, Prof. José Bonet Solves; from the Physics and Chemistry section, Prof. Arturo Romero Salvador and from the Natural Sciences section, Profa. Ana María Crespo de las Casas, of the RAC; the general director of Mastercard, Paloma Real; the president of the Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (AECC), Elena Lázaro, and the president of the Association of Friends of the RAC, José María Fuster.

The participation has exceeded the expectations of the organizers, with 549 valid candidates, of which 46 corresponded to the Mathematics category, 139 to the Physics and Chemistry category, 212 to the Biology and Geology category and 152 to the Applied Technology category.

Professor Jesús María Sanz-Serna, President of the Royal Academy of Sciences and FRACE has declared on the occasion of the award of the Awards:

“The number and quality of the candidates shows that luckily Spain has a solid young female scientific base. However, we should not be satisfied; as a society we need an economy based on knowledge and with the full incorporation of women. I welcome Mastercard's sensitivity in understanding these approaches and giving them support."

For its part, the General Director of Mastercard, Paloma Real, has stated: 

“It is with pride that we participate with FRACE in this much needed initiative. With these awards we have managed to give visibility to young women with enormous potential and their projects, which are enormously innovative. We will continue to work together to ensure that more women have the recognition they deserve in the field of STEM matters in which they are a minority.”

In the Mathematics category, Dr. Luz Roncal Gómez has been chosen, “for her relevant contributions to harmonic analysis and partial derivative equations, embodied in more than 30 articles, which have appeared in numerous scientific publications as reference articles”. The winner has also carried out various activities in the fields of management, education and scientific dissemination.

Dr. Nanda Rea has been selected by the Jury as a young talent featured in the category of Physics and Chemistry by findings such as the discovery of the first magnetar of low magnetic field, which has led to research in other branches of Astronomy, such as research on supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, gravitational waves and evolution of massive stars. In addition, Dr. Rea has developed a publicly available analytical model on the NASA Heasarc page, which is widely used in the scientific community.

The award for young female talent in the Biology and Geology category has been awarded to Dr. María Llorens-Martín for her relevant contributions to the study of Alzheimer's disease, in particular for the discovery and description of neuronal regeneration in the region hypothalamic implicated in the mechanism of memory, and whose importance has been praised by the scientific community and national and international public opinion.

The prize for the young female scientific talent in the category of Applications of Science to Technology has been awarded to Dr. Ana Freire Veiga, a computer engineer and doctor, for her magnificent scientific career (with more than 40 publications, and three patents ), as well as the social impact of their research. His work, among other projects, has contributed to the use of artificial intelligence to identify suicidal behaviors in young people by analyzing their publications on social networks. It has also proposed a method to reduce energy consumption in data centers through new mathematical models.

This article was written and published in Spanish and has been translated into English via Google Translate. Click here to read the original article.

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