Atta pte ltd has announced the launch of its iOS app and its Android app. Both the iOS and Android versions make use of an in-house AI system that predicts the future prices of accommodation and helps travelers find the best time to book their hotel rooms so they can get the best deals.
Atta is a travel tech service that helps travelers search for and compare various accommodation types such as hotels, ryokans, inns, villas and vacation rentals with approximately 800,000 listings in 218 countries around the world. With this new launch, atta uses AI to analyse pricing trends in room rates for specific accommodations based on the desired check-in day and then predicts the probability of the room rates dropping further in the future. It has also developed a price alert functionality so travelers will be notified on their devices when the price of their desired room actually drops. In addition, we have added a calendar month-view that shows the cheapest time to travel to any chosen destination at a glance. Patents have been filed for the launch of these services which promises to provide a new user experience for accommodation price comparison. CEO Haruyama says: "We are proud to be finally able to provide users with accommodation search services that uses our in-house AI system that we have been working on for more than a year since our founding in March 2018. We aim to be a travel tech service that creates more value for travelers."
Simultaneously, atta also released the data of the best time to book hotels in Japan, Hawaii, Taiwan and Singapore from its big data and AI system.
Survey Overview: Survey on when is the cheapest time to book a hotel ahead of your stay
Survey Summary of Results
Reflecting on the results, CEO Haruyama says: "The pricing trends of the best time to book is complex and differs on many factors such as the destination chosen, the specific check-in date and of course the availability of rooms in each destination. Using AI to predict future prices makes it possible for travelers to get the best deals and takes out the need for them to guess the best time to book. We hope to empower every traveler to make smart booking choices and we hope to be their trusted travel partner."
SOURCE atta pte ltd
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