Symantec's cybersecurity services portfolio includes global monitoring and analysis of threats through a network of six security operations centers, located in the United States, United Kingdom, India, Australia, Singapore and Japan.
Symantec also provides real-time services of adversary knowledge and specific intelligence of the sector itself and incident response services.
The managed security services business is backed by a proprietary cloud-based platform that offers a constant flow of technical and cybernetic intelligence about threats through a customizable portal.
Symantec's business security headquarters is based in Mountain View, California. It has more than 300 employees worldwide who provide services to top-level organizations in a wide range of sectors, including financial services, public services, health, public administrations, communications, media, technology and retail
The purchase of Symantec is the latest in a series of acquisitions made by Accenture, including Deja vu Security, iDefense, Maglan, Redcore, Arismore and FusionX, which highlight the multinational's commitment to invest and innovate advanced intelligence and cybersecurity solutions.
In its fiscal year 2019, Accenture invested nearly $1.2 billion worldwide in 33 acquisitions to achieve critical skills and capabilities in strategic areas of high market growth.