Evoko has rolled out a standalone Evoko Booking platform, designed for co-working spaces, which simplifies finding and booking meeting rooms and equipment via a centralised interface.
Evoko has rolled out a standalone Evoko Booking platform for its Evoko Liso meeting room manager. Designed for co-working spaces, it simplifies finding and booking meeting rooms and accompanying equipment with a centralised interface. The solution furthermore tracks usage patterns of shared meeting spaces to optimise resources.
Due to changing office trends such as remote working, by 2022 there will be an estimated 25,968 co-working spaces worldwide. Whilst this growing popularity of sharing office space comes with major financial and operational benefits, it also introduces new challenges. Sharing space allows companies to save significantly on cost by optimising room usage, yet the management of available space becomes trickier when individuals from multiple companies are involved.
In a modern co-working space, the ability to book meeting rooms and equipment at a moment’s notice is essential for business continuity. Together with the intelligent meeting room manager Evoko Liso, Evoko Booking makes this process easy and lets users find and book the perfect meeting room from a phone, laptop or directly on the Liso screen. It enhances the management of shared office space as it works through a centralised system which doesn’t require a unified email server – making it the ideal tool for cross-company use.
“The work environment today is more dynamic and spread out than ever before. At Evoko, we want to support this trend by developing user-friendly solutions to optimise operations and facilitate the changing nature of the work environment” said Richard Glückman, CEO of Evoko.
As a standalone platform, Evoko Booking doesn’t require any integration with external booking systems such as Office 365 or Google G Suite. Instead, all meetings are stored within a web-based room scheduling system. By complementing the solution with Evoko’s own Get A Room App, even the most mobile employees can take advantage of the system, and find available space whilst on the move. The application enables the employee to find and book a suitable meeting space at a moment’s notice, even directing them to the location of the room.
Read more here.
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