Last week, we looked at which property portals in North America had the strongest social media presence on the web. This week for our Social Media Ranking Infographic Series, we go to the world down under, looking at the property portals present in Oceania.
With two heavy hitters running the market, it’s no surprise that Domain and REA make it into the top two slots in all three categories. When it comes to Facebook, Domain takes the first spot with about 962,000 followers.
Second place goes to REA, more specifically,, with 674,000, a significant amount less than its supposedly smaller competitor.
Third place goes to, a New Zealand portal founded before even Google was developed. Currently, has 121,000 followers on its Facebook account.
Taking first place is Domain with 113,200 followers of its Twitter account, interestingly much less than its Facebook account.
Second place is, again,, with 71,900 followers. As with Domain,’s twitter following is much smaller than that of its facebook account. Do Australian home hunters not tweet?
Third place is, another Australian portal that’s been around for almost 20 years. It currently has 18,400 followers on Twitter.
LinkedIn offers lower numbers, but the top three portals still boast thousands of followers on their accounts.
In first place is this time, with 50,000 followers.
Second place is now Domain, with about half as many, hitting around 26,000 followers.
Third is again, with 8,300 followers on its LinkedIn account.