After the shaky early months of the year, when no one knew if iBuying would survive the pandemic, let alone thrive. Zillow Group has announced that it’s bringing its Zillow Offers service to four more markets, making the total number of markets where the service is available to 24.
Now sellers in Las Vegas, South Florida, the Tampa Bay area, and Houston can again use the Zillow Offers feature to sell their home instantly.
Continuing its promise to keep all parties involved safe while the COVID crisis continues, Zillow is following its Move Forward. Stay Sage. initiative with the help of former U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin who is now the company’s Health Advisor.
Dr. Benjamin said:
"The need to buy or sell a home hasn't changed, but the way we do it has shifted, just as we've had to adjust our daily behaviors in other parts of our lives. Zillow has shown its dedication to health and safety as the real estate industry learns to work within these new norms."
Zillow has shown that taking the pandemic lightly doesn’t work. Focusing on safety for its customers and employees with the new initiative as well as offering remote work indefinitely, the company proves that it has both the safety of its consumers as well as its staff in mind.