Listings are owner-led, says Matt Bachle, the Founder and CEO of Realy. He explains that Realy is different from the competition because it offers data, like access to stocks, within a closed network to allow owners to leverage as well as market their property. Doing so allows Realy to provide home owners with information as soon as possible without the limitations of traditional listing sites. Sellers can then take their time and test out different prices to see what works on the market.
As for buyers, the pressure to buy plummets, allowing individuals to take their time when selecting their next home.
Even though Realy is a startup, having launched in 2018, it has already shown that it is situated in the perfect spot to disrupt the market. Realy gives its network of owners access to a plethora of value-based services. The company gathers revenue through four channels: Commission fee income for low friction guided sales, lead generation fee income to partners (like agents and suppliers), a subscription fee and a freemium model for owners.