Mass Innovation Nights (MIN), the Boston region’s leading new product showcase, has partnered with Jobcase for Mass Innovation Nights #119. The event featured innovative new products from local startups, and took place on Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at Jobcase in Cambridge, MA.
“Jobcase is very excited to host this Mass Innovation Nights event. As a technology company dedicated to empowering people, we are very proud to be an advocate for local innovation right here in the Boston area,” shared Fred Goff, founder and CEO of Jobcase. “Jobcase is a homegrown Cambridge company and this will be our first public event since we expanded our space in Kendall Square. We’re looking forward to welcoming these innovative companies and members of the tech community.”
“Mass Innovation Nights partners with local companies to create visibility opportunities for everyone. We help increase awareness for local startups, connect employers and job seekers, as well as help everyone discover resources they can tap into for their own businesses,” said Bobbie Carlton, founder of Innovation Nights.
SOURCE Jobcase
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