Lamudi is attracting perspective property buyers. The average rate of search activity on its portal has grown 40 percent, week on week in January of this year.
Based on data the real-estate web-site provider issued to the BusinessMirror, the number of hits it gained from January 1 to 7 this year stood at 19.35 percent of the total searches for the month as compared to 19.21 percent during the same period in 2018.
For the succeeding weeks, the number of visits to the platform from January 8 to 14 was at 23.93 percent versus 22.22 percent a year ago; January 15 to 21, 22 percent versus 24.94 percent; January 22 to 28, 22.03 percent versus 24.09 percent; and January 29 to 31, 12.7 percent versus 9.54 percent.
Seventy-one percent and 68 percent of the aggregate searches were recorded from the second to fourth week during the first month of 2018 and 2019, respectively. The top 3 most visited weeks were, likewise, within those brackets.
The first, second and fifth week of January this year had stronger shares of searches compared with the same week of 2018. However, third and fourth week of last year had better share of hits as against this year.
“These are incredible numbers. We’ve never seen numbers like these. That’s what we’re very excited about,” said Bhavna Suresh, CEO of Lamudi Philippines.
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