MyRumaha Property Showcase, a four-day event hosted by the New Straits Times Press (NSTP) will be focusing on a new concept for buying houses.
Called the ‘Environment’, it is a part of a 4Es concept which also comprises Exhibition, Education and Experience.
The showcase, aimed at promoting green, healthy and sustainable living for the community, was launched at MyTown Shopping Centre in Cheras here.
Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin was present at launch.
Over 2,011 residential units with a total gross development value (GDV) of RM923 million will be on offer at the showcase.
Zuraida said the showcase would serve as a platform for property developers to sell, reach out and promote existing projects to potential buyers in line with the ministry’s aspiration to provide affordable homes for B40 and M40 households.
She said unsold properties worth RM22.5 billion had been recorded and the ministry was aiming to sell off about 25,000 home units under the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) to potential housebuyers.
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